Sunday, September 4, 2011

Letter #3

Dear Evalyn,
You are now six months old. My last letter to you was when you were six weeks old. I can't believe how much has happened in such little time. You have made yourself more than known in this family. You are a colicky baby and for that reason perhaps I often coddle you more than needed. You and I have become very close, though your Daddy is sure to cuddle you every night.

As you and your sister grow bigger and you both discover new things about the world, life becomes hectic and our day to day routine makes time go by fast. Occasionally I am lucky enough to have a moment with you in which I freeze into my memory forever. The look of you snuggled into my arms sound asleep, the sound of your laugh or the picture of your enormous and beautiful smile are all memories I will cherish forever.

The other day you were having one of your screaming fits and I went through my routine of things I do to calm you down. First a diaper change, then a bottle, next walking around the house with you. Nothing seemed to calm you down and so the last thing I could think to do was sing. Your favorite song is "You are my sunshine," which I have always loved to sing to you and your sister just as my mother sang to me. When I sang the phrase, "You'll never know dear how much I love you," you suddenly stopped screaming, looked into my eyes and gave me the biggest smile ever. I feel like that was you trying to tell me you love me. You completely melted my heart in that moment.

Until the next time my sweet lil Nugget...
Loving you forever,

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Letter #2

Dear Evalyn,
I can't believe you are already six weeks old. In one hand it feels as if you've been in our lives forever and in the other it doesn't seem as if it has been six weeks. You have changed our lives forever Evalyn Rae.

My labor with you was completely different than when your sister Loreli was born. Since birth you have proven to be your own person and the complete opposite of Loreli. You were so incredibly tiny when you were born, everyone asked if you were premature. You were my full term tiny little Nugget. I was afraid to hold you or do anything with you because I could barely feel your weight in my arms.

You have a full head of hair, didn't want anything to do with breastfeeding and at 6 weeks old are barely fitting into Newborn sizes. You most certainly have made yourself known in this family. Nothing about you is "normal" or "average."

When I was pregnant I knew that I loved you. I never questioned whether or not I would be able to love two children. It is just incredible that I made two completely different little girls and love you both so much. I couldn't ask for more out of life right now.

When I hold you in my arms, whether you are wide awake and cooing or sound asleep and snuggling, I am captivated by your beauty and presence. I am amazed at how you and your big sister have bonded and connected in such an automatic way. You and your sister haven shown nothing but love to one another since your first day.

You complete our family Evalyn Rae. I fall in love with you all over again every second I am around you. I am captivated by your presence every time you snuggle close to me dreaming away or wiggle around with your big, beautiful eyes looking all around.

Loving you forever,

Monday, January 17, 2011

Letter #1

Dear Evalyn,
We are only about a month and a half away from finally meeting you! When I first learned that you were on your way into our family I had a mix of emotions. I was concerned that your sister Loreli hadn't had enough time to be the baby of the family and I was concerned that I would be spreading myself too thin with having two children so close in age. All of that worry is gone and I am just ecstatic at the thought of your arrival.
You move around the most at night. I feel like this is our secret time of just you and me. I put both hands on my belly as you roll around, making sure I am well aware you are there and growing bigger each day. When I feel your kicks and rolls I imagine you in my head and what it will be like to snuggle you close to my heart. I want you to know how much you are wanted and how much you are loved, even before you are out in the world. There is nothing I anticipate more than having you in our family.
You will be coming into this world and already have a sibling. You will have a big sister who will be very close to you in age. I know that this will help create a great bond between you two. I want nothing more than for you two to be the best of friends. Through out life relationships and friends will come and go, but your sister will always be your sister. I know that with you two being girls we will see our fair share of battles, but you will always have each other.
Ever since the day your sister was born, I knew our family was not yet complete. I feel like having you in our family will fill that empty space. I want to make it clear that I will never love one of you more than the other. My heart has more than enough love to always love both of you with all that it has to give and I will always do everything that I can to ensure both of you are healthy and happy.
I feel blessed to be able to bring you into a family full of so much love and support. You will learn as you grow that you will never be alone in this world. You will always have a grandparent or aunt or uncle or cousin or some family member who will be there for you if for any reason you can't come to Daddy or I. Both Daddy's family and mine are filled with wonderful supportive people. I know that every family has its arguments or hard times but ours really is a positive bunch.
The next time I write to you will be after you are born. Until then I anxiously await the moment I will get to see your beautiful face and hold you close to me. I love you so incredibly much.
Loving you forever,