Friday, September 21, 2012

Letter # 5

Dear Evalyn, Hello my big girl!! You are now one and a half years old! In the last six months you have completely changed and gone on a roller coaster of development. Right now you are in what I like to call the "fun" stage. You are discovering all of the fun ways to play with toys and entertain yourself, but you don't yet have the attitude and talking back that your older sister has. You LOVE to giggle and spend countless hours just giggling away at anything and everything. You are now starting defend yourself when your older sister tries to take a toy. There are times that I can see a little attitude brewing inside, and you like to try to get away with things as you flash your huge smile, as if your cuteness makes it all okay. You most definitely love your older sister. You were recently moved up to the same room that Loreli is in at daycare and she takes great care of you by showing you how to play with the toys, making sure you don't escape from the room and protecting you when she feels you need it. I was shocked by all of this because you are both still so young, but you are there for each other in every way possible. Your appetite has also changed dramatically. A year ago we struggled to get you to keep anything down and now we can't put the food in fast enough! And you love nearly everything we give you, which is great! You can't get enough of fruit and vegetables and this makes Mommy so happy! After what a struggle your first year was, it is such a relief to see you flourishing in all of these ways. Grandma Mary and I are pretty convinced you are a genius. You may not be full blown talking yet but you surprise us nearly every day with what you know. You can do things that not even the 2 or almost 3 year olds can do like stacking rings in the correct order or putting things together after taking them apart. I can't wait to see what type of accomplishments you will continue to achieve. There is no doubt that Daddy and Grandma Mary are your favorite people. If either one of them is around you always insist on being in their arms. Even though you are no longer a baby and becoming a big girl, I have a feeling you will always find that Daddy and Grandma Mary will cuddle with you. You are about to lose your status in our family as the baby. Any day now you will be the little/big sister! It's important in your new role as big sister to baby Charlotte that you show her the same love and caring that Loreli has shown you, and continue to do that throughout your lives. The three of you will have a bond that no one else in the world can touch. Loving you forever, Mommy

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