Friday, March 2, 2012

Letter # 4

Dear Evalyn, My sweet little Nugget you are a year old!!! I cannot believe that this day is here. This year has been an incredible one full of times we weren’t sure of how to do what was best for you and times that were priceless full of joy and happiness. You were so incredibly tiny when you born and early on you developed colic and acid reflux. It took months to find the right doctor and the right methods to keep you happy and stable but once we did figure everything out, you began to flourish and develop so quickly. I feel like you have come such a far way in such a short amount of time. Within the last two months you have gone from barely being able to sit up by yourself to pulling yourself up while hanging onto things and you are so close to walking! You also went from being completely toothless to now having four teeth and two coming in! You just learned how to clap and I can tell your first word will be coming any day now as you are always mimicking peoples lip motions and trying to get something out. You and your big sister Loreli have become so incredibly close in your first year. You two never cease to amaze me with your communication and love. At any time your sister is not around you are constantly looking for her. You enjoy watching her and it’s so interesting to see how you want to do everything she does. I know that as you two get older there will be plenty of time of arguing and competition, but as you are so close in age you really have had a strong loving bond since the day you were born. As we come to the end of your first year and you are officially turning one year old, I just want to let you know how much we love you. Every day you add light and love to our lives and we are so excited for what your future holds. Happy first birthday to my little Nugget. Loving you forever, Mommy

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